Pocos de Caldas

State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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Aaron Hughes Publicó un video
dust devil na rampa de paraglider poços de caldas.3gp

dust devil formado com vento leste na rampa de vôo livre em Poços de Caldas sujando turistas..
Aaron Hughes Publicó un video
Paragliding World Cup 2010 - Pocos de Caldas 10th Part 3

Aaron Hughes Publicó un video
Paraglider de Poços de Caldas

Aaron Hughes Publicó un video
Paraglider -Entubando em Pocos de Caldas

Entubando na nuvem.

Dirección de viento de lanzamiento requerida

dust devil na rampa de paraglider poços de caldas.3gp
dust devil formado com vento leste na rampa de vôo livre em Poços de Caldas sujando turistas..
Aaron Hughes Agregó esto


-21.7712, -46.575 : 1578.0 m


6:25 a. m.

Puesta de sol

5:42 p. m.

Zona horaria

hora estándar de Brasilia (-0300)

Alt: 1550m Northeast from the take off, near a soccer field. Top landing is also possible and relatively easy. First you need to get to the 'Cristo redentor' (statue of Christ) on top of the hill. From Poços de Caldas you can either take the cable car or drive there. From the statue, continue 300m west along a paved road/dirt road and take the first dirt road to the right. Walk another 200m to the take off. Don't fly less than 200m above Poços de Caldas town. Don't fly less than 200m above Poços de Caldas town.

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