Castejon de Sos - Liri

Aragon, Spain

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Condiciones actuales

No hay alertas.

Recuerde antes de cada vuelo, revise su equipo , reevalúe las condiciones y pregúntese si estoy seguro .

Ricardo Rey Registró un vuelo de 10 km
Ricardo Rey Registró un vuelo de 16 km
Ricardo Rey Registró un vuelo de 11 km
Ricardo Rey Registró un vuelo de 21 km

Dirección de viento de lanzamiento requerida


42.5341, 0.5527 : 2325.0 m

Zona de aterrizaje

42.5229, 0.480533 : 901.0 m


6:52 a. m.

Puesta de sol

8:58 p. m.

Zona horaria

hora estándar de Europa central (+0200)

The mecca of paragliding in spain.

There's taxi services in the local paragliding shops in Castejón. Usually around 10€ to go to the top. It's not recommended to go up by car, but it's doable, since it's a 4x4 track. In the airstrip or in the field right next to the cementery, which has better wind conditions and it's closer to the village. By car, also there are daily bus services from Barbastro. See shuttle service. Which also connects with Huesca and Barcelona. None None

As a high mountain zone, the weather can develop quickly so it's good to keep an eye on the conditions and cloud development. It's also good to keep the radio on the frequency of the schools, they usually report the conditions.

Las siguientes personas están siguiendo activamente las actualizaciones de este sitio.

7 km
26 km
34 km
35 km
39 km
40 km
54 km
57 km


N 0 0
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S 10 0
SSW 0 5
SW 0 5
WSW 0 5
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NNW 0 0