St Antonin Noble Val

Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées, France

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Dirección de viento de lanzamiento requerida


44.158, 1.77004 : 312.0 m

Zona de aterrizaje

44.1559, 1.76116 : 168.0 m


7:40 a. m.

Puesta de sol

7:51 p. m.

Zona horaria

hora estándar de Europa central (+0200)

I live opposite the 2 main flying sites and it looks as if you can stay up as long as you like! The photograph shows 12 paragliders and 2 hang-gliders up at the same time... this is very rare! Must have been a good day! Sometimes busy at weekends but during the week.... sky's the limit!

Several takeoff points to suit wind direction. Launch from either side of gorge with good lift from sheer faces. Easy access to takeoff points. No need to carry your gear too far!! Gorge is about 300 metres above valley floor. Plusieurs décollages en fonction de la direction du vent, des deux côtés des gorges. Bonne composante verticale (parois abruptes). Accès facile aux points de décollage. Pas besoin de transporter votre équipement trop loin! Décollage environ 300 mètres au-dessus du fond de la vallée. Safe landing in fields below if you fail to get enough lift to return to takeoff point. Atterrissage en toute sécurité dans les champs en dessous, si vous ne parvenez-pas à garder assez de portance pour revenir au décollage. Drive south (1.5 days from Home Counties) or fly to either Toulouse or Rodez. (Rodez is Ryanair from London Stanstead and Toulouse is Easyjet, BA etc from London Gatwick.Low cost carriers also fly from Bristol and Southampton. There are flights from other airports further north but seem to be seasonal.) St Antonin is 1hr 15min drive from Toulouse and Rodez. Not sure. Occasional jet fighters flying low through valley but not sure if there are any regulations relating to this. Will try to get confirmation! Not sure. Occasional jet fighters flying low through valley but not sure if there are any regulations relating to this. Will try to get confirmation!

Non that I can see but I'm no expert. It seems to suit beginners and experts alike. Check the website..For Hang Gliding and in French but looks like good info regarding takeoff and windsock location etc.

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5 km
11 km
19 km
28 km
36 km
37 km
40 km
42 km
46 km


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