High and Over

England, UK

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Brian Greenwell Registró un vuelo de 2 km
Brian Greenwell Registró un vuelo de 2 km
Brian Greenwell Registró un vuelo de 4 km
Brian Greenwell Registró un vuelo de 4 km

Dirección de viento de lanzamiento requerida

Paragliding - Flying High and Over
For me this was the first day of spring! I had a great day paragliding at High and Over, Cuckmere Valley, Sussex.
Aaron Hughes Agregó esto

Bruno High and Over Paragliding 16th Sep 2014
http://www.freeflightbrighton.co.uk Bruno High and Over Paragliding on a Pilot Pro Course or PPC for short. Bruno is qualified and on a 12 month post tuition to ...
Aaron Hughes Agregó esto

Paragliding at High and Over Part II
Paragliding at High and Over Part II.
Aaron Hughes Agregó esto


50.7912, 0.14177 : 76.0 m


5:19 a. m.

Puesta de sol

8:52 p. m.

Zona horaria

hora del meridiano de Greenwich (+0100)

A small, steep, tree-covered bowl facing due east over the Cuckmere river valley, High And Over evokes strong emotions amongst fliers. Most either love, or hate it. A site briefing by a suitably experienced pilot is 'highly' recommended until you get to know this site well.

na. na. na. FL 55 FL 55

Las siguientes personas están siguiendo activamente las actualizaciones de este sitio.

3 km
6 km
7 km
10 km
10 km
22 km
27 km
30 km


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ESE 10 0
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SSE 0 0
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