Scotland, UK
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55.6259, -5.1917 : 852.0 m
7:57 a. m.
4:13 p. m.
hora del meridiano de Greenwich (+0000)
There are two take off areas both about 50ft below the top. One 50m north of the trig point and one 50m south. The north take off splits either side of a ridge taking N & W. The south take off is similar, taking SE & SW. The west take of is not for the faint hearted it is possible to take off E or NE only in snow because of the lack of grass here to cover the sharp granite. It is possible to land in Corrie on the large grassy area next to Sandstone Quay or in Corrie Hotel beer garden if it's not too busy. Landing areas are good in Brodick: the beach and a large grass area next to shops. na. na. na.
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