Scotland, UK
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57.2226, -5.4078 : 159.0 m
57.2242, -5.4122 : 6.0 m
8:05 a. m.
4:06 p. m.
hora del meridiano de Greenwich (+0000)
This sight works very well in a nw wind generating lots of lift making it easy to cross on to the five sisters where more hight can be gained
Takeoff can be reached by a short walk from the water tank above the houses at Ault n cruinn. there is a flat grassy area between the heather at 170m on the cliff top. the steep drop generats good lift. There is a large open area at the botom with parking area. The sight is located right at the side of the A87 about one hour west of inverness. The sight is in a restricted area mon to thu The sight is in a restricted area mon to thu
There is a cutting in the road whitch generats some rotor but is easly avoided by staying high when passing it. there is also a power line at the bottom of the hill runing paralell to the road. this shoulden't bother any one as it is well tucked in to the hill
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